Choosing Your First Programming Language: A Career-Boosting Perspective

Are you caught in the Python hype? While Python is undoubtedly popular, it might not always be the perfect choice. Based on my experience, selecting your first programming language should align with your environment. Focus on grasping programming fundamentals first – a loop, a function, a condition, and a variable are consistent concepts across languages. Once you’ve mastered these, learning a new language’s syntax becomes a breeze.

Sure, you can randomly pick a language and start coding, and that’s great for your career. However, I’m here to help you take your skills to the next level and enhance your professional brand.

Provide Proof:

Begin by creating a GitHub repository. Whether it’s your first “Hello World” script or a complex project, it’s a step towards building your brand and enhancing your resume. As proof, here’s an example of my journey documenting the fundamentals of Go in my repository, “Go Fundamentals.”

Consider PowerShell or Bash Before Python:

For those interested in cybersecurity, my advice is to explore PowerShell or Bash before Python. These languages run natively in their respective environments (PowerShell in Windows, Bash in Linux). This native integration means they don’t require third-party software to function, unlike Python.

Imagine you’ve developed scripts to retrieve forensic data from Windows machines. Writing these in Python would necessitate installing Python on each target machine. However, with PowerShell, if you have the right permissions, you can run these scripts seamlessly. The same holds true for Bash in a Linux environment. Choose a language that allows you to create automation solutions within your current environment.

Make the Best Decision for Your Situation:

If you’re not already in the field, Python is an excellent starting point. However, if you’re currently employed, it’s wiser to learn the language best suited for your role. Linux Administrators should focus on Bash, Windows Administrators on PowerShell, and Cybersecurity professionals on all three – PowerShell, Bash, and Python. Once you grasp the fundamentals, branching out becomes straightforward.

Maximize Your Professional Development:

My motivation for raising this topic is to help you advance your career. Learning Python is valuable, but if you can’t apply it in your current role, it won’t count as professional experience. To supercharge your career growth, choose a language that enables you to automate tasks within your existing environment. This not only provides you with practical experience but also enriches your interview stories and solidifies your programming skills in a professional context. Remember, learning a language without application or documentation on GitHub does a disservice to your professional growth.


The ideal first programming language hinges on your environment. The key is to maximize career growth through professional experience. If your workplace already embraces Python, dive in. If not, learning programming fundamentals with PowerShell is a smart choice, especially if your organization relies on Active Directory and Windows. You can immediately add value with your newfound skills.

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